终端用户条款/End User Terms
- 地图数据的内容因为调查时期及获取方法的限制可能与现场状况不一致,使用时请注意实际的道路状况并遵守交通规则驾驶。
- 地图数据内容中的各级界线仅为示意性表示,不作为划界依据。钓鱼岛、赤尾屿及南海诸岛等中国岛屿已在地图数据库中表示。香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区、台湾省详细交通资料暂缺。
English Translations for the two end user terms:
- Due to data collection period and method, map data might not be accord with the scene. Please pay attention to the actual road conditions and follow traffic rules while driving.
- Boundaries at different levels are only indicative, not as the basis for demarcation. Diaoyu island, Chiwei island, the South Sea islands and other China islands are included in the map. Detailed traffic information is not available in Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan for now.
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