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Limitations of Cross Traffic Alert*1

The Cross Traffic Alert (CTA) function with auto-brake may have limited functionality in certain situations. Brake intervention is active at speeds below 15 km/h.


The auto-brake subfunction can only detect and brake for other vehicles that are moving – not for stationary obstacles, a cyclist or a pedestrian, for example.

CTA has a certain limitation – the CTA sensors cannot "see" through other parked vehicles or obstructions, for example.

Here are some examples of situations where CTA’s "field of vision" may be already limited and approaching vehicles cannot therefore be detected until they are very close:

PS-1926-Cross Traffic Alert, limitations of detecting crossing traffic
The car is parked deep inside a parking slot.
PS-1926-Cross Traffic Alert, limitations of detecting crossing traffic in an angled parking slot
In an angled parking slot CTA may be completely “blind” on one side.
  1. PS-Icon circle 1Blind CTA sector.
  2. PS-Icon circle 2Sector in which CTA can detect/“see”.

However, as your car slowly reverses, the angle it makes with the obstructing vehicle/object changes and the blind sector rapidly decreases.

Examples of further limitations

  • The auto-brake subfunction only detects moving vehicles and therefore cannot "see" and brake for stationary obstacles, a cyclist or a pedestrian, for example.
  • Dirt, ice and snow covering the sensors may reduce the functions and deactivate alerts.


This function uses the car's radar units, which have certain general limitations.
  1. * Option/accessory.
  2. 1 Cross traffic alert when the car is reversing.

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