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Locking and unlocking


The key locks and unlocks the doors and boot lid. The key or phone needs to be inside the car for it to be started.

Locking and unlocking with the key

The buttons on the key can be used to lock and unlock the doors and the boot lid simultaneously.

Unlocking the boot lid with the key

It is possible to unlock just the boot lid using a button on the key.

Locking and unlocking with the detachable key blade

The removable key blade can be used to unlock the car from the outside – if there is no power to your car or the key battery is discharged, for example.

Automatic locking when driving

The doors and boot lid are locked automatically when the car starts to move.

Locking and unlocking from inside the car

The doors and boot lid can be locked and unlocked from inside using the central locking controls in the driver's door.

Unlocking the boot lid from the inside of the car

The boot lid can be unlocked from inside by pressing the button on the instrument panel.

Private locking

The boot lid can be locked with the private locking function when the car is taken in for service, left at a hotel or similar. This function prevents the boot lid being opened.

Activating and deactivating private locking

Private locking is activated with a function button in the centre display and an optional PIN code.

Locking and unlocking

The car can be locked and unlocked in several different ways.

Lock confirmation

The car indicates with hazard warning flashers when the car is locked or unlocked.

Lock indication setting

It is possible to select various options for how the car confirms locking and unlocking in the settings menu in the centre display.

Digital Key

Your phone can be used as a key using the Digital Key app. An active digital key is required in the app for Digital Key to work.

Starting the car using Digital Key

Digital Key can be used to start the car. Just having your phone with you in the passenger compartment will suffice.

Locking and unlocking with Digital Key

The car can be locked or unlocked using the Digital Key app. Just having your phone with you in a pocket or your hand is enough to unlock the doors and the boot lid.

  • Keyless locking and unlocking