Reduced service costs, minimal mileage costs and lower charging costs. By nature, an electric car keeps your vehicle expenses in check. Add in tax deductions and government incentives, and buying one makes even more sense.
Reduced service costs, minimal mileage costs and lower charging costs. By nature, an electric car keeps your vehicle expenses in check. Add in tax deductions and government incentives, and buying one makes even more sense.
Running costs
Tax benefits
Pure battery electric vehicles (BEV) like Polestar 2 are exempt from Vehicle Excise Duty (VED), more commonly known as road tax. It’s important to know that even though you don't have to pay anything, you still need to tax your car.
Pure battery electric vehicles (BEV) like Polestar 2 are exempt from Vehicle Excise Duty (VED), more commonly known as road tax. It’s important to know that even though you don't have to pay anything, you still need to tax your car.