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Warning for speed limitation and speed camera from Road Sign Information*

There are subfunctions for traffic sign information (RSI1) which can warn the driver if a speed limit has been exceeded or if there are speed cameras2.

The function is available in certain markets.

PS2-2007-Road Sign Information with speed camera
Examples of information on speed camera and speed limit in the driver display

Speed limit warning

PS2-2007-Speed limit sign

Speed warning given by the driver display's symbol flashing when the speed limit is exceeded. In addition to a visual warning, an acoustic warning will be sounded after the visual warning has started. This warning can also be replaced by an automatic speed limiter.


To receive an audible warning, the speed warning function must be activated and the audible warning subfunction for traffic signs must be in the On position.

Warning for speed camera

PS2-2007-Speed camera symbol

Cars equipped with Road sign information and map data2 can give information on upcoming speed cameras in the driver display, provided that the navigation map for the current area contains information on speed cameras.

  1. * Option/accessory.
  2. 1 Road Sign Information
  3. 2 Information on speed cameras on the navigation map is not available for all markets/areas.

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