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Saving new reference values for tire inflation pressure monitoring

In order for the tire pressure monitoring system1 to function correctly, tire pressure reference values must be saved correctly. To help ensure that the system can correctly alert the driver of low inflation pressure, this must be done each time the tires are changed or the inflation pressure is adjusted.
To store the new inflation pressure as a reference value in the system:
Switch off the ignition.
Inflate the tire to the correct inflation pressure; see the tire pressure placard on the driver's side B pillar for recommended pressures for factory-mounted tires.
Start the vehicle.
Tap PS2-2007-Car symbol in the center display.
Tap More.
Tap Car status.
Tap Store pressure. When storing inflation pressure, the vehicle must be running and stationary.


The Store pressure button is used to save new inflation pressure reference values in the tire pressure monitoring system. For safety reasons, it is only available (selectable) when the vehicle is stationary and the electric motor is running.
The inflation pressure must be saved after the pressure has been adjusted or the tires have been changed. Adjust the inflation pressure to the recommended values and then press Confirm to save the inflation pressure.


To avoid accidental activation of the Store pressure function, it is necessary to confirm in a second step that the inflation pressure should be saved.
Drive the vehicle until the new inflation pressure has been saved. The new inflation pressure is stored when the vehicle is driven at speeds over 35 km/h (22 mph).
When enough data has been collected for the system to detect low inflation pressure, the animation showing the progress of storing the new reference value will disappear from the center display.

If the pressure cannot be stored, a message will appear.

  1. 1 Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)

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