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General information about electric propulsion

Electric vehicles are driven just like any other vehicle, but certain functions differ from vehicles with combustion engines.

The instrument panel and center display show information specific to electric operation – charging information, distance to discharged battery and charge level of the high-voltage battery.

In order to function, the high-voltage battery and its electrical drive systems must be at the correct operating temperature. Battery capacity can be considerably reduced if the batteries are too cold or too hot. When preconditioning using the charging cable connected to an electrical outlet, the vehicle's drive system and passenger compartment are prepared before driving to reduce both wear and tear and energy needs while driving.

The high-voltage battery that powers the electric motors is recharged using the charging cable, but can also be recharged during light braking.



Charging the vehicle can affect the function of an implanted pacemaker or other medical equipment. People with an implanted pacemaker are recommended to consult a doctor before charging the first time.

No electrical current

Keep in mind that if there is no electrical current to the vehicle, i.e. the ignition is switched off or the start battery is discharged, certain important functions such as power brakes, power steering, etc. will be limited.


The power brakes only work when the vehicle is switched on.

Exterior Sound


Please be aware that there is no sound from the engine when the vehicle is being powered by the electric motors and it may be difficult to detect by children, pedestrians, cyclists and animals. This is especially true at low speeds.

High-voltage electrical current

PS-1926-Symbol Elecric warning


A number of electrical components in the vehicle use high-voltage current and can be extremely dangerous if handled incorrectly. These components and any orange wiring in the vehicle may only be handled by trained and qualified Polestar service technicians.

Do not touch anything that is not clearly described in the Manual.

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