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Changing lanes with Pilot Assist

Lane change assist is a feature included in Pilot Assist that can support with lane changes to overtake other vehicles.

Pilot Assist automatically provides steering assistance during your lane changes if all conditions are met.

In addition to the general conditions for using Pilot Assist, conditions for assisted lane changes include:
  • Both steering assistance and lane change assist are enabled in Pilot Assist's settings.
  • Pilot Assist is active.
  • The conditions for steering assistance are met.
  • The traffic situation allows a lane change.
    • The car checks if the conditions for an assisted lane change are met, such as the adjacent lane being available. However, the responsibility to assess and decide whether a lane change can be done safely ultimately lies with the driver.
    • There are road and driving conditions that do not supply the car with enough information for it to provide steering assistance during a lane change. In such situations, the driver can still perform unassisted lane changes. This disables steering assistance until its conditions are met again.
Symbols showing information about available or ongoing lane changes are shown below the gear indicator in the driver display.
Lane change assist is available to use. The symbol shows a broken line and an arrow to indicate the direction of a possible lane change. It can be shown for either side or both sides simultaneously. During ongoing lane changes, the arrow pointing in the direction of the lane change starts flashing.
Information about interrupted lane changes or faults affecting the car's ability to perform assisted lane changes is communicated using symbols and messages.
The ongoing lane change is interrupted. An assisted lane change manoeuvre can be interrupted if there is a change in conditions or traffic situation, or if you oppose the guided steering. The lane change is cancelled immediately. Take full control of the car as required.
Lane change assist is unavailable and any ongoing lane change is cancelled. This can happen if there is a fault affecting critical systems, such as steering assistance. Be attentive to any messages that may follow.


Lane change assist is a supplement to safe driving practices. It does not reduce or replace the need for the driver to stay attentive and focused on driving safely. Drive the car with the same attention to safety as required by a car without the ability to intervene.
When a lane change is available, use the turn indicator stalk to initiate the lane change.
The car recognises that you want to change lanes. If the necessary conditions are met, the car begins to guide your steering during the lane change.


Keep your hands on the steering wheel

Keep both hands on the steering wheel during the lane change. You are responsible for intervening if needed. You can override the guidance from the car by braking, accelerating or steering at any time.

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